“in its shadow: A 9/11 Memoir” – FREE COMPANION GUIDE

The 9/11/2001 attack is a significant event in US history. It can be viewed from many perspectives, from a simple “What would I have done if that had been me?” to a more contemplative What does this mean to me—to us —now and in the future?”.

“Reflections” has been created to help the reader(s) experience 9/11 as it unfolded to one American who was at the World Trade Center in New York. Questions suggested on each page are intended to stimulate conversation— e.g., with your book club, your classroom—or maybe an internal discussion with yourself.

This companion guide is intended for those who remember the event “first-hand” and those who have been born (or reached mental maturity) since, who want to better understand its impact on a personal level.

To continue the dialogue or inquire about bulk pricing for multiple quantities of the book, “in its shadow: A 9/11 Memoir” (e.g., for high school, college, or adult school classes; other large groups), contact initsshadowmemoir@gmail.com.