Today we remember those who have died in military service.
Also, today we should remember the thousands of veterans who returned home, but lived – or still live – with physical and emotional pain from what they endured.
Also, today we should remember the millions of mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, wives and husbands, daughters and sons who have lost family members before their time, because they answered the call to serve their country.
Today, we should remember that those who go into military service trust they will be sent into harm’s way only for righteous reasons, not on a whim or as a piece on a gameboard. We may not always agree with the reasons they are sent, but it does not lessen the fact that they should always be respected.
Today, let us remember the exorbitant price that some will pay when America takes military action, and choose - so very carefully - who we entrust with the power to send someone else’s children into battle.
Dedicated to my personal heroes: my dad, Wil; my Uncle Max; my Uncle Stanley; my brother-in-law, Ed; my husband, Tom. I am proud of and thankful for your service.